
Twiends for Twitter

Twiends – Free Twitter Growth Tool. When you’re looking for a Twitter automation tool that is responsible, Twiends fits that description. They claim to be a leading directory of social media users that help you connect with new people on Twitter. A unique benefit that Twiends provides that others don’t is their free learning page and home. Twiends for Twitter One of the biggest problems for social media marketers is how to grow an account’s following. It’s easy to come up with posts and also easy to respond to comments. However, growing an account from scratch takes blood, sweat, and tears. Many people are always after the next quick scheme to get.

One of the biggest problems for social media marketers is how to grow an account’s following. It’s easy to come up with posts and also easy to respond to comments. However, growing an account from scratch takes blood, sweat, and tears. Many people are always after the next quick scheme to get tons of followers and influence for doing virtually nothing. One of those schemes is Twiends for Twitter. With this online platform, people can go from 0 to thousands or even millions of followers on Twitter with almost no effort.

One thing that Twiends for Twitter has going on for it is that it does not violate the terms of service (TOS) agreement with Twitter. It is not an automated service that automatically provides you with followers. What Twiends does is provide your account with a form of advertising in which other Twitter users have the choice to follow you or not.

The reason this works is because the assumption is that to get followers you have to follow other users. Because of this, users are apt to click your profile on the Twiends website in order to follow you. Then they expect you to follow them back. If not, they will unfollow you. This creates a pressure to follow anyone and everyone on the site. This pressure is great for your follower count. I went from 170 followers to over 800 in only a week. My $37 subscription for a week is only halfway over so I expect that number to double over the next several days.

So What is the Catch with Twiends for Twitter?

So I was able to gain about 630 followers in only a few days. You may be asking what could possibly be wrong with this service? The answer is actually quite simple. When using Twiends, your timeline will become a cess pool of people you follow that offer no value. And even if there was a diamond in the rough offering displaying great content, then you would never even see it because you have a gazillion users on your timeline.

This causes the fatal flaw in the Twiends premise: you get absolutely no engagement from your followers. You might as well be buying bot followers for half the price because you will get the same engagement from fake accounts than you get with your real Twiends followers. The chances your followers actually even see your posts is slim to none. It’s like winning the lottery just to get your followers’ eyes on your posts.

I saw an account that had 12.5 million (yes, million) followers. Now what kind of engagement would you expect an account like that to get? I would expect at least thousands of likes and retweets per post. However, this account was lucky to have 6-10 likes/retweets even on his better performing posts. This is absolutely ineffective for promoting your account or brand.

You are better off using a post scheduler like Buffer and post 10 times a day. Even though your following count will increase more slowly, you will at least be gaining real and engaged followers. I will not be using Twiends for Twitter again and do not suggest it.

Thanks for reading & please watch our Twiends for Twitter video!

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Reviews of Twiends Alternatives

Twiends is the kind of Twitter growth tool that can help you grow your Twitter growth both responsibly, and for free. If this is true, then this is obviously something that will appeal to a lot of people – you’re not going to find too many companies like this out there that offer their services for free.


However, lately, we’ve noticed that there have been a few negative reviews out there on third party websites, which is a bit disappointing. Maybe it’s time to take a look at what else is out there. We’ve got a list of the best Twiends alternatives. Let’s check them out.

First Look

1. Best in General: Twesocial

“If you’re looking for a company that’s by far one of the best in the Twitter industry, then you need to be checking out Twesocial. They have dominated the market for quite a while now, and prove time and time again with customers like me that are the best option for my Twitter growth.”

2. 2nd Best Out There: Tweeteev

“I think I like Tweeteev because they’re another option alongside Twesocial. Both of these companies have helped me so much with my engagement, and I know that I can just go back and forth between them if I want.”

3. Best For That Budget: Jarvee

“I know better than anyone how hard it can be to find a company out there that doesn’t just care about making a profit, but also cares about making their services accessible to all. Jarvee is one of those rare kinds that truly cares about this.”

4. Best for the Protection of Your Profile: Tweetfull

“Every now and then, it’s good to just get on with things and start growing your account, but other times it’s good if you can sit down with your Twitter growth company and talk to them about your engagement strategy. If you like doing this, I recommend Tweetfull.”

5. Best For a Brand New Company: Tweet Attacks Pro

“I like that Tweet Attacks Pro is the kind of company that can take my Twitter account and grows it with advanced features that I won’t find anywhere else.”

Twiends Alternatives (Our Reviews)

Twiends Instagram

1. Best in General: Twesocial

We think that Twesocial is one of the best out there because they just seem to tick all the boxes when it comes to their customers. When we reviewed them, we noticed that they talk about never using fake engagement. They also have a high level of security, and their customer support is good too. With awesome prices, there really isn’t anything that Twesocial can’t do for you and your Twitter growth.

2. 2nd Best Out There: Tweeteev

Just like our reviewer said above, if you’re looking for a Twitter growth company that is similar to Twesocial or you want to go back and forth between them both, then we recommend Tweeteev. You’ll find all the same features, as well as similar price points. They also make sure to assure their customers that they don’t use fake engagement.

3. Best for That Budget: Jarvee

There’s always those companies in every industry that just manage to do something that sticks. Jarvee is one of these companies, and because they’ve been around since the very beginning, they have seen it all. They have seen Twitter shut down companies left and right, and while they have had their fair share of struggles as well, they have always remained on top. We have a deep respect for this.

Twiends For Instagram


4. Best for the Protection of Your Profile: Tweetfull

Tweetfull is one of those Twitter’ hack’ companies that want to approach things from a technical angle. They know that hashtags are everything these days, which is why they talk to you about your hashtags and make sure you’ve got a solid hashtag strategy. This is a high level of accountability that you’re not going to find with too many other brands.

5. Best for a Brand New Company: Tweet Attacks Pro

Tweet Attacks Pro has a sister company that people use for Instagram called Following Like, so if you’ve used Following Like before, then you’ll know what Tweet Attacks Pro is all about. They can help you with more than one account at once, and they have some pretty cool advanced features.

Our Review Process

When we take the time to decide who should be on our list of the best Twiends alternatives, we’re sure to do a bit of research. This is why we looked at 260 Twitter growth companies and read through 288 customer reviews, to make sure that we get both sides of the story. This is a great way for us to figure out what is best by the people so that you can use genuine, honest companies for your Twitter success.