Openssh Software

KiTTY, ZOC Terminal, and OpenSSH are probably your best bets out of the 26 options considered. 'Includes additional features over PuTTy' is the primary reason people pick KiTTY over the competition. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. An SSH client is a software program which uses the secure shell protocol to connect to a remote computer. This article compares a selection of notable clients. Name Developer Status First release Latest release Current version Based on License Source available AbsoluteTelnet: Celestial Software (Brian Pence).

WinSCP is an open source free SSH client for Windows with the focus on secure file transfer. You can get it from WinSCP download page. Latest stable WinSCP version is 5.17.10.

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An SSH client is a software which uses the SSH protocol to connect to a remote computer. Airborne troops free download full version.

In general SSH protocol can be used for two purposes, file transfers and terminal access.

File transfers are primary focus of WinSCP.

WinSCP supports SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) for secure file transfers. In addition to that it also supports legacy SCP (Secure Copy Protocol).

You can use WinSCP to transfer files both manually and automatically.

While WinSCP does not focus on terminal access, it has basic support for it.

You can execute remote commands via SSH terminal both manually and automatically.

If you need unrestricted terminal access (and still want to use WinSCP for file transfers), you will find integration with PuTTY SSH client useful. This free Telnet and SSH client for Windows can be also downloaded from our PuTTY download page.

WinSCP is, in addition to being SFTP client and SCP client, also FTP client. It supports also secure variant of FTP, the FTPS.

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  • Connect to FTP server or SFTP server;
  • Upload files to FTP server or SFTP server;
  • Synchronize files with FTP server or SFTP server;
  • Automate file transfers (or synchronization) to FTP server or SFTP server;
  • Other Guides to using WinSCP;
  • Understanding SSH;
  • All Supported file transfer protocols.

Recently, Microsoft has released a port of OpenSSH for Windows. You can use the package to set up an SFTP/SSH server on Windows.

  • Installing SFTP/SSH Server
  • Connecting to the server


  • In Settings app, go to Apps > Apps & features > Manage optional features.
  • Locate “OpenSSH server” feature, expand it, and select Install.

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Binaries are installed to %WINDIR%System32OpenSSH. Configuration file (sshd_config) and host keys are installed to %ProgramData%ssh (only after the server is started for the first time).

You may still want to use the following manual installation if you want to install a newer version of OpenSSH than the one built into Windows 10.

  • Download the latest OpenSSH for Windows binaries (package or
  • As the Administrator, extract the package to C:Program FilesOpenSSH
  • As the Administrator, install sshd and ssh-agent services:
  • Allow incoming connections to SSH server in Windows Firewall:
    • When installed as an optional feature, the firewall rule “OpenSSH SSH Server (sshd)” should have been created automatically. If not, proceed to create and enable the rule as follows.
    • Either run the following PowerShell command as the Administrator:
      Replace C:System32OpenSSHsshd.exe with the actual path to the sshd.exe (C:Program FilesOpenSSHssh.exe, had you followed the manual installation instructions above).
    • or go to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Defender Firewall1 > Advanced Settings > Inbound Rules and add a new rule for port 22.
  • Start the service and/or configure automatic start:
    • Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools and open Services. Locate OpenSSH SSH Server service.
    • If you want the server to start automatically when your machine is started: Go to Action > Properties. In the Properties dialog, change Startup type to Automatic and confirm.
    • Start the OpenSSH SSH Server service by clicking the Start the service.

These instructions are partially based on the official deployment instructions.

Follow a generic guide for Setting up SSH public key authentication in *nix OpenSSH server, with the following difference:

  • Create the .ssh folder (for the authorized_keys file) in your Windows account profile folder (typically in C:Usersusername.ssh).2
  • For permissions to the .ssh folder and the authorized_keys file, what matters are Windows ACL permissions, not simple *nix permissions. Set the ACL so that the respective Windows account is the owner of the folder and the file and is the only account that has a write access to them. The account that runs OpenSSH SSH Server service (typically SYSTEM or sshd) needs to have read access to the file.
  • Though, with the default Win32-OpenSSH configuration there is an exception set in sshd_config for accounts in Administrators group. For these, the server uses a different location for the authorized keys file: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%sshadministrators_authorized_keys (i.e. typically C:ProgramDatasshadministrators_authorized_keys).

Before the first connection, find out the fingerprint of the server’s host key by using ssh-keygen.exe for each file.

In Windows command-prompt, use:

Replace %WINDIR%System32 with %ProgramFiles%, if appropriate.

Mp3 to swf converter. In PowerShell, use:

Replace $env:WINDIRSystem32 with $env:ProgramFiles, if appropriate.

You will get an output like this:

Start WinSCP. Login dialog will appear. On the dialog:

  • Make sure New site node is selected.
  • On New site node, make sure the SFTP protocol is selected.
  • Enter your machine/server IP address (or a hostname) into the Host name box.
  • Enter your Windows account name to the User name box. It might have to be entered in the format user@domain if running on a domain.
  • For a public key authentication:
    • Press the Advanced button to open Advanced site settings dialog and go to SSH > Authentication page.
    • In Private key file box select your private key file.
    • Submit Advanced site settings dialog with the OK button.
  • For a password authentication:
    • Enter your Windows account password to the Password box.
    • If your Windows account does not have a password, you cannot authenticate with the password authentication (i.e. with an empty password), you need to use the public key authentication.
  • Save your site settings using the Save button.
  • Login using Login button.
  • Verify the host key by comparing fingerprints with those collected before (see above).


If you cannot authenticate to the server and use Windows 10 Developer mode, make sure that your OpenSSH server does not conflict with an internal SSH server used by the Developer mode. You may need to turn off the SSH Server Broker and SSH Server Proxy Windows services. Or run your OpenSSH server on a different port than 22.

Free Ssh Tools

  • Guide to Installing Secure FTP Server on Windows using IIS;
  • Guide to uploading files to SFTP server;
  • Guide to automating operations (including upload).

Ssh Client For Windows 10

  1. Windows Firewall on older versions of Windows.Back
  2. Windows File Explorer does not allow you to create a folder starting with a dot directly. As a workaround, use .ssh., the trailing dot will allow you to bypass the restriction, but will not be included in the name.Back