Link Twitter

Twitter is where news is broken, links are shared, and memes are born. It's also a place for chatting with friends. Yet unlike Facebook, Twitter is public by default. And that's not a bad thing. Create Facebook share links, Twitter 'tweet this' links, LinkedIn share links, Pinterest 'pin this' links and email 'mailto' links that will work anywhere — even inside emails! We're running old school here: no iframes or JavaScript required. Another tiny tool brought to you by Patrick St.

Link twitter to facebook 2021
Are there other parameters that I can use in these deep links besides specifying recipient?

You can add a parameter &text={default text} to the end of the URL, and replace {default text} with the URL encoded text you’d like to pre-populate in the user’s compose box.

For example, if you need a specific piece of information from the user, you could have that label appear in the user’s compose box for additional context (e.g., “Confirmation Number:”).

Are there other ways to use this feature without pasting a link each time?

While all you need for the call-to-action to display is to include the correctly-formatted link in your Tweet, many Twitter Official Partners and other Twitter developer ecosystem tools have made it simple to include these links in your Tweets with the click of a button.

How does this feature impact the character count in my Tweets?

Twitter will shorten the deep link in your Tweet using, so the link will occupy 22 characters (the same amount as any link). This is the case whether the call-to-action renders or does not render.

For businesses that use a tool to create the link as a media upload, no characters will be deducted from the 280 character limit.

Does the deep link for a Direct Message work outside of Twitter?

Yes! The URL for a deep link to a Direct Message will attempt to open Twitter with a Direct Message compose window open if clicked from outside of Twitter.

Why am I not seeing the formatted call-to-action in my Tweet reply?

This may occur for a couple of reasons. You might not have configured your settings to Receive Direct Messages from anyone, or you may be viewing the Tweet in a third-party/unsupported Twitter client. Additionally, older Twitter clients may not render the call-to-action and only display the link.

Why does the link I pasted in get removed and replaced with the “Send a private message” call-to-action?

The URL will be stripped out of the Tweet display if it is located at the end of the Tweet. If the URL is in the middle or the beginning of the Tweet, the URL will still display in the Tweet. Regardless of if the URL is stripped out or not, the “Send a private message” call-to-action will display.

Write the message that you want others to share in the box.

Click the 'Generate New Link' button to create a custom link.

Share the link and track the activity of each link over time.

Whoever clicks on the link will have the message automatically added to their Twitter status box--they simply click to tweet!

What people are saying

  • Websites with @clicktotweet are 7699% more likely to get shared by me... also just over 107% of the stats in this t…
  • @denharsh just taught us about @Clicktotweet service and it's freaking cool 😎That's why I love @ShoutMeLoud ❤️
  • A6: My fave Twitter tools, apps & resources:@ManageFlitter @hootsuite @SocialJukebox @buffer @AgoraPulse…
    Houston, TX
  • Hear me talk about the power of Twitter chats with @Schmittastic. And I share a super cool @clicktotweet hack.…
    Houston, TX
  • On the #TwitterSmarter podcast, @lilachbullock mentioned these tools: @AgoraPulse @clicktotweet @brand24 @quintly…
    Houston, TX
  • #freelancing tip: You can help your clients boost their views and drive social media engagement by adding…
    virtual world (also seen in Fargo, ND)
  • @clicktotweet I ❤️ your new Chrome extension! So glad y’all sent out an email about it. 😀
    Houston, TX
  • 39 Best Growth Hacking Tools You Need to Know Right Now via @shane_barker feat. @HubSpot…
    DC Metro Area
  • Really @clicktotweet ? [link='f0uCK' via'yes'] ... Are you trying to spice up my #MondayMorning ?…
    Connecticut, USA
  • Must-Have Twitter Growth Hacking Tools Your Business Will Ever Need @jooicerhq…

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